I'll borrow words from one of the greats to express my heart:
“This is the true joy in life -- that being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one ... That being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It’s a sort of splendid torch which I’ve got to hold up for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” - George Bernard Shaw
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day: A Story of Cancer Survivorship
Jamie Lindsay, an amazing cancer survivor, shared the story about his dad's battle with cancer 50 years ago -- and his own in 2007. His "Father's Day" message has been posted to the "Voices of Survivors" web site in the "Written Word" section. Click here for the link.
Jamie, many thanks to you and your pup, Chemosabe, for the laughter and perspective you provide to many cancer patients, as you lend a strong hand in this fight against cancer.
"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real." - Velveteen Rabbit children's book
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of the men and women in the world that play a "dad" role in the life of another invidual.
Pictured: Jamie skydiving & Jamie's dog, Chemosabe, sending a "Cures Rock!" message to everyone this weekend.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Fight Club!
So the latest gossip at the water cooler has been the fact that the “C” word is back for me.
The way I’m looking at it is that this is a continuation of the same battle I’ve been fighting all year. In reviewing my treatment options, I chose a less-aggressive treatment route earlier this year, and it seemed to work. As it turns out from test results last week, cancer is still lurking around like an unwelcome house guest that needs a final eviction notice --- so --- we have to modify the treatments to make sure we get it this time around.
This sucks, plain and simple, but it’s much better than the alternative. At least I still HAVE alternatives. A fellow blogger, Michael of “Chemo Rocks,” helped me describe it --- This is “chemo overtime” in the same battle, and I plan on coming out like my L.A. Lakers team. Those guys are a force in overtime situations – and I am, too.
Cancer does not define me. While some others probably fear cancer, I know I’m truly living in spite of it. I have done things that I may have never attempted without facing cancer and have found a priceless freedom in living "in the moment." I know many of you have joined me in the journey and fight, while battling your own challenges, and I am grateful.
Remember: “The 7th rule of Fight Club is - Fights will go on as long as they have to.” (Movie, Fight Club)
CURES ROCK! (Cancer does not.)
The way I’m looking at it is that this is a continuation of the same battle I’ve been fighting all year. In reviewing my treatment options, I chose a less-aggressive treatment route earlier this year, and it seemed to work. As it turns out from test results last week, cancer is still lurking around like an unwelcome house guest that needs a final eviction notice --- so --- we have to modify the treatments to make sure we get it this time around.
This sucks, plain and simple, but it’s much better than the alternative. At least I still HAVE alternatives. A fellow blogger, Michael of “Chemo Rocks,” helped me describe it --- This is “chemo overtime” in the same battle, and I plan on coming out like my L.A. Lakers team. Those guys are a force in overtime situations – and I am, too.
Cancer does not define me. While some others probably fear cancer, I know I’m truly living in spite of it. I have done things that I may have never attempted without facing cancer and have found a priceless freedom in living "in the moment." I know many of you have joined me in the journey and fight, while battling your own challenges, and I am grateful.
Remember: “The 7th rule of Fight Club is - Fights will go on as long as they have to.” (Movie, Fight Club)
CURES ROCK! (Cancer does not.)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Senate Passes Historic Anti-Smoking Bill
Senate Passes Historic Anti-Smoking Bill
(Link to: Huffington Post Article)
Posted using ShareThis
Monday, June 8, 2009
"Be The Match" MARROW-thon
Most of you know the passion I have for people getting on the National Bone Marrow Registry...
Well, now that so many of you have completed your marathons...how about helping out patients by participating in your first MARROW-thon?!?!
It's really easy and between now & June 22, you can register for FREE!
Please click on the Marrowthon 30 sec video link below, and see what it's all about.
YOU -- yes YOU! --- can change someone's life! CURES ROCK!
Well, now that so many of you have completed your marathons...how about helping out patients by participating in your first MARROW-thon?!?!
It's really easy and between now & June 22, you can register for FREE!
Please click on the Marrowthon 30 sec video link below, and see what it's all about.
YOU -- yes YOU! --- can change someone's life! CURES ROCK!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
National Cancer Survivor's Day
sur⋅vi⋅vor (ser-vahy-ver)
1. a person or thing that survives
2. a person who continue to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks.
Today, Sunday, June 7th is National Cancer Survivor's Day....a day when we celebrate LIFE. It's a day when we can unite and show the world that there is life after a cancer diagnosis.
I didn't ever plan on hearing the words, "You have cancer." And, I never planned on hearing that phrase a few more times after that point. It just goes to show that you never know at any minute how your life may change. I consider myself one of the lucky ones that knows how good it is to wake up each day and how important it is to live in the moment, all the time.
I am proud of my survivor friends, whether they faced cancer as a kid or as an adult. It seems strange that I can look through my photo album, and find pictures where the one thing everyone has in common is --- CANCER. Wow...never thought I'd see that in my lifetime.
How about this?...
1. a person or thing that survives
2. a person who continue to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks.
Today, Sunday, June 7th is National Cancer Survivor's Day....a day when we celebrate LIFE. It's a day when we can unite and show the world that there is life after a cancer diagnosis.
I didn't ever plan on hearing the words, "You have cancer." And, I never planned on hearing that phrase a few more times after that point. It just goes to show that you never know at any minute how your life may change. I consider myself one of the lucky ones that knows how good it is to wake up each day and how important it is to live in the moment, all the time.
This day is a celebration of all of those in the Cancer "C" Club --- the club nobody wants to join (but, we sure try to have some fun as we kick cancer to the curb). Very often, those of us in this club hear things like, "I could never do what you did" or "You're a hero for getting through that trial." All sentiments which I think we all appreciate, but we all know we don't get through our battles alone. It takes a team.
I also know that none of us were given a choice. We did (and do) what we have to in order to survive, something which takes tremendous courage. I've heard that a great definition for the word courage is: "being afraid, but doing it anyways."
I am proud of my survivor friends, whether they faced cancer as a kid or as an adult. It seems strange that I can look through my photo album, and find pictures where the one thing everyone has in common is --- CANCER. Wow...never thought I'd see that in my lifetime.
Here's the deal. Yes, it's National Cancer Survivor's Day today -- BUT --- as as survivor I celebrate every, single day that I'm fortunate enough to be on my path. I don't need a special day to remind me how blessed I am to be alive and how tremendously grateful I am to my family, friends, teammates and medical teams.
I give much love and solidarity to my cancer-surviving, "C" Club friends! I'm not sure what we should say to one another this weekend, as I doubt Hallmark has a "Happy Cancer Survivor's Day" card (gag).
How about this?...
(Please, pass on this blog link to a cancer survivor in your life, if you'd like to remind them how freakishly AWESOME they are to be cancer warriors!)
If you'd like to support the fight against cancer, you can help by donating to my fundraising efforts for the Lance Armstrong Foundation (http://sanjose09.livestrong.org/curesrock) or Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (http://pages.teamintraining.org/sd/rnr09/CuresRock).
Pic #1: Julie & John Zeidner at the Boston Marathon w/ shirts honoring cancer survivors/warriors
Pic #2: Julie & Colin, both cancer survivors with their running Coach (middle) after crossing the Boston Marathon finish line
Pic #5: Fellow cancer survivors and caregivers at the LIVESTRONG Summit.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Congrats, TNT Team!
Congratulations to the San Diego North County Team in Training (TNT) team on your San Diego Rock 'N' Roll Half or Full Marathon race accomplishments on May 31st!
Because of your 4 month journey with training and fundraising as a TNT teammate, we are on target to hit the $1 Billion stretch goal this year (total funds raised for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society since TNT first started over 20 years ago)!!! CURES ROCK!
Because of your 4 month journey with training and fundraising as a TNT teammate, we are on target to hit the $1 Billion stretch goal this year (total funds raised for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society since TNT first started over 20 years ago)!!! CURES ROCK!
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."
- Albert Einstein
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Marathon Mind Games
Some of you saw a strange sight in those early dawn hours on that lawn next to the starting line for the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon: a woman, curled up in a ball, layered in others’ jackets and trash bags, looking downright miserable. She wasn’t laughing or smiling like the other TEAM members, nor was she running around taking pictures or updating her Facebook status. That woman was me.
I am sicker than a dog!
I want my mommy!
Why did I eat that hotel food?
Why is Coach Bill writing “Cures Rock” on my arm as if I’m going to run?
I shouldn’t have ever left my hotel room!
Can’t Julie, my twin, just wear my number and run for me?
Why is Captain Gail putting a lei on my head?
Miserable thoughts trudged through my head during those pre-race hours, thanks to some good ol’ fashioned food poisoning or nerves. Whatever it was that caused my body to go into total revolt, rendered my past training, GU/thermolyte schedule, and splits completely useless. At this point, I couldn’t even move off of the damp ground.
Do you remember when we heard the “secret” to running a marathon at the very first practice: Running a marathon is all in your head.
A head game, huh?
We’ve all felt the pain and agony of those first few weeks of running. Then we remember that there’s still not a cure, or we hear another story of yet another person we know with cancer. I’ll keep running ‘til there’s a cure! says my cancer warrior sis, Julie. She’s right, I think. There’s still no cure.
Still, I was not convinced that what all the coaches, captains, and mentors were saying was true. For a moment, I did wonder about their sanity. I trained well and followed all the advice and training schedules given to me, just like a straight A student would do. There were some great runs and some horrible runs, some “on days” and some “off days.” Somehow the weeks crept by, and I realized that-- thanks to TEAM--I had become a runner.
That morning of the marathon when I was curled up tight in a ball, I had no idea what I was going to do—run or not run.
Your parents will understand.
Everyone will understand.
Today’s just not your day.
Maybe you’re just not meant to run a marathon.
And then my twin simply said, "Perhaps just try to get to the starting line.”
Coach Bill added, “Maybe just run a few blocks and see how you do.”
Mike gave me a sympathetic hug.
Kim whispered that she’d help me through it.
Erin said that she wouldn’t leave my side.
Gail reminded me to pray and even chant a prayer.
Whatever worked to get me moving.
I thought they were crazy, and didn't even want to pull my head away from my knees, but the ideas were planted.
Get to the starting line. It’s all in your head. Get to the starting line. Just run a few blocks. God help me! Those words became a chant that mingled with prayers as I got up off the ground, checked my gear, walked over to Corral 15, and ran 26.2 miles.
No one asked what my time was when I finished because we all knew that it didn’t matter. I was now a marathoner. Better yet, I was a marathoner that was blessed to have learned by practice that sometimes—not always, but sometimes--running a marathon is as much a mental game as a physical game, and that running with a TEAM can make all the difference.
****THANK YOU to all my family, friends, coaches, captains, mentors, and teammates that have run this race beside me in your hearts and prayers!
Pic #1: Angie's running group, nicknamed "the Snails" before they head to their starting Corral 15 at 6:15 a.m.
Pic #2: Angie & Julie, after they crossed the finish line together of Angie's first marathon (Julie did not run due to injury, but upheld her promise to run her sister across the finish line of her first race by running the last 1 mile with Angie)
Pic #3: The "Cures Rock!" cheering squad at the finish line.
Some of you saw a strange sight in those early dawn hours on that lawn next to the starting line for the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon: a woman, curled up in a ball, layered in others’ jackets and trash bags, looking downright miserable. She wasn’t laughing or smiling like the other TEAM members, nor was she running around taking pictures or updating her Facebook status. That woman was me.
I am sicker than a dog!
I want my mommy!
Why did I eat that hotel food?
Why is Coach Bill writing “Cures Rock” on my arm as if I’m going to run?
I shouldn’t have ever left my hotel room!
Can’t Julie, my twin, just wear my number and run for me?
Why is Captain Gail putting a lei on my head?
Miserable thoughts trudged through my head during those pre-race hours, thanks to some good ol’ fashioned food poisoning or nerves. Whatever it was that caused my body to go into total revolt, rendered my past training, GU/thermolyte schedule, and splits completely useless. At this point, I couldn’t even move off of the damp ground.
Do you remember when we heard the “secret” to running a marathon at the very first practice: Running a marathon is all in your head.
A head game, huh?
We’ve all felt the pain and agony of those first few weeks of running. Then we remember that there’s still not a cure, or we hear another story of yet another person we know with cancer. I’ll keep running ‘til there’s a cure! says my cancer warrior sis, Julie. She’s right, I think. There’s still no cure.
Still, I was not convinced that what all the coaches, captains, and mentors were saying was true. For a moment, I did wonder about their sanity. I trained well and followed all the advice and training schedules given to me, just like a straight A student would do. There were some great runs and some horrible runs, some “on days” and some “off days.” Somehow the weeks crept by, and I realized that-- thanks to TEAM--I had become a runner.
That morning of the marathon when I was curled up tight in a ball, I had no idea what I was going to do—run or not run.
Your parents will understand.
Everyone will understand.
Today’s just not your day.
Maybe you’re just not meant to run a marathon.
And then my twin simply said, "Perhaps just try to get to the starting line.”
Coach Bill added, “Maybe just run a few blocks and see how you do.”
Mike gave me a sympathetic hug.
Kim whispered that she’d help me through it.
Erin said that she wouldn’t leave my side.
Gail reminded me to pray and even chant a prayer.
Whatever worked to get me moving.
I thought they were crazy, and didn't even want to pull my head away from my knees, but the ideas were planted.
Get to the starting line. It’s all in your head. Get to the starting line. Just run a few blocks. God help me! Those words became a chant that mingled with prayers as I got up off the ground, checked my gear, walked over to Corral 15, and ran 26.2 miles.
No one asked what my time was when I finished because we all knew that it didn’t matter. I was now a marathoner. Better yet, I was a marathoner that was blessed to have learned by practice that sometimes—not always, but sometimes--running a marathon is as much a mental game as a physical game, and that running with a TEAM can make all the difference.
****THANK YOU to all my family, friends, coaches, captains, mentors, and teammates that have run this race beside me in your hearts and prayers!
Pic #1: Angie's running group, nicknamed "the Snails" before they head to their starting Corral 15 at 6:15 a.m.
Pic #2: Angie & Julie, after they crossed the finish line together of Angie's first marathon (Julie did not run due to injury, but upheld her promise to run her sister across the finish line of her first race by running the last 1 mile with Angie)
Pic #3: The "Cures Rock!" cheering squad at the finish line.
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Lance Armstrong's "Tour de France" Dedication to Julie
A great reminder that I had armies of support beside me in my fight. (Thanks, Lance!) Even with the recent media, this video isn't about the bike...but the fight against cancer. LIVESTRONG!
Stage 2 Dedication: Julie Westcott -- powered by http://www.livestrong.com
Stage 2 Dedication: Julie Westcott -- powered by http://www.livestrong.com
Guinness World Record Broken to Fight Cancer
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