Thursday, February 16, 2012

Take a Swing at Cancer!

Check out the latest guest blog on the LIVESTRONG web site! It highlights our upcoming Swing Fore! Yellow Charity Golf Tournament in San Diego on March 26th! Follow this link to the article:

As the LIVESTRONG team tweeted today:
" @LIVESTRONG: Our blog never looked so good! @DhaniJones and @Swing4Yellow "Take a Swing at Cancer" #golf "

To sign up to play in the tournament or volunteer, go to our web site at: The playing field is filling up fast, so don't wait!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cancer Myth-Busters for World Cancer Day

Today is World Cancer Day --
Take a minute to pause and think about how cancer has affected the friends and family in your life, and how we need to keep creating awareness to fight it.

And, what a better way to start it than by taking a short (5 questions) quiz to bust some myths around cancer?

Take the quiz on the LIVESTRONG web site and share with your family and friends to help spread awareness today.

Lance Armstrong's "Tour de France" Dedication to Julie

A great reminder that I had armies of support beside me in my fight. (Thanks, Lance!) Even with the recent media, this video isn't about the bike...but the fight against cancer. LIVESTRONG!

Stage 2 Dedication: Julie Westcott -- powered by

Guinness World Record Broken to Fight Cancer

We *Heart* Our Fans

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Donate & fight to kick cancer to the curb!

500 Miles. 17 days. 2 States. 1 Mission to Cure Cancer.

500 Miles. 17 days. 2 States. 1 Mission to Cure Cancer.
January 1 - 17, 2010
All Content and Images (unless specified otherwise), Copyright Cures Rock! 2007-2012.