Today was the Team in Training "Honored Teammate Picnic" -- which is a picnic the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society holds each season for all honored teammates (HTM), like me, and all personal HTM, like a person's family member. Before the picnic was a walk/run, and I had the privilege of giving the "Mission Moment" today (see bottom pic) to talk about my connection to the disease and also to thank the team for all they do. I worked the Aid Station for the teams today --- it was a combo practice walk/run down at Mission Beach with the Nike Walk Team, Central Run Team and North County Run team.
GO TEAM! Jen, trusty ol' pal, got up at o-dark-thirty to come out and keep me company this morning. (THANKS, JEN!)

After the run, the picnic began, and it was great! I met so many incredible people, and it was fantastic to get to know the Nike Walk Team better (the one that I'm the HTM for...). Truly, these people are amazing to be walking so far (half/full marathon for the Nike Marathon) while raising money for charity. They surprised me with a gift today -- a cute t-shirt that says, "Someone's in Trianing for Me!", and also a little teddy-bear that was holding a star because I'm their "shining star" they said. Really sweet of them to say. The bear was attached to a gift certificate which allows me to name a star and have it registered at the International Star Registry (yes, I realize this isn't recognized by scientists, but it's still totally cool). I am still pondering which constellation I want the Registry to find a star in for me...and also can't decide what to name it...yet. :) Totally awesome, and it'll always inspire me to stay strong, knowing these amazing people are out there doing all of this training for me!! (THANKS, TEAM!)
The 2nd pic is of Jesse, me & Eloise -- the three HTMs and cancer warriors for the TNT Nike Walk Team.
The 3rd pic is of me giving a "mission moment" to the North County Run Team, Central Run Team & Nike Walk Teams.
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