Today: 33 miles / Total: 462 miles
Guest Blogger: Mike Sheehy
Why? Because the Cures Rock! Team was back in action and moving quick today. The cavalry from Abbott arrived last night to help keep the pace strong. Robert and Tom showed up begging for big miles and looking to help the Cures Rock! Team succeed.
Today’s 33 miles were broken up into five mile segments with one lucky eight mile leg. The cavalry runners, Robert and Tom, took on the first ten miles. Tom asked a million questions about what I have been eating and drinking and how I came up with this insane idea. He shared with me the positive impact of this event is having the office (but everyone still thinks I am insane). Robert shared with me his adventures as a Walk Leader for the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk. He and his family have completed 11, 3-Day Walks. Both of these guys held a strong pace and helped the first two legs slip away.
Then the day only became crazier and groovier. Sally started dancing and singing and kept me laughing during her entire leg. If you don’t believe running with someone is a good idea, you are missing out. I have not worn an iPod the entire time. First, it is not really safe on the highways. Second, my running partners / pacers have been real saviors. The stories, the tales, the lies have all been entertaining. I recommend the next time you go for a run, take off the headphones and talk to your running partners. Trust me, it will be much more entertaining than listening to the same song for the millionth time.
Colin and I continued our debate on if he was the sexiest man alive. He agreed with me that he probably was the sexiest man alive, but takes himself out of the running to let the lesser-sexy Hollywood types win. I haven’t stopped laughing since Colin joined up with us in Parker, AZ. If you ever want to run fast and have fun, just join the San Diego North County Team In Training Team and ask to run with Colin. We have a fun time running fast together and giving each other a hard time. No wonder my mom really wants to adopt Colin.
My brother Steve, a retired Air Force Colonel, wore another cotton t-shirt (this one displaying the logo of the fighter squadron Grim Crows….I have no clue why a crow would be grim….but he can explain it to you in painful detail for five miles) and short shorts. I think he might have run in no socks! We almost have convinced him that dryfit shirts work and the gels are not just for astronauts anymore. But he is still not a believer. So if you see him at the Expo this weekend, please show him where the 2010 clothes are located. He will be the guy in his boat shoes and wearing his Bruce Springsteen “Born In the USA” concert t-shirt.
Finally, Suz had the luxury of running the last eight miles. Suz gets the last leg almost every day for a few reasons. One, she is able to watch my form and tell me if anything looks out of the norm. So I don’t do any harm to my body by getting sloppy. Two, she is able to share with me her thoughts on the day and any lessons learned. And three, she gets to tell me what I screwed up so I can fix it the next day. To prevent number three, I need to pick up the pace the last three miles. Unfortunately, she can motor, so she can run and share her thoughts on the day.
The “Live Life to the Ultra” moment today came after the run. The Cures Rock! Team went to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. We met with the oncology staff and handed out shirts and photos. But what really made the impact for me today was their passion for their profession. They talked about their obsession to find cures, to try new things and to keep pushing for results. Their passion was amazing! They appreciated our visit and really appreciated our entire mission, beyond the running. With our focus on awareness, health, finding funds for research, thanking the hospital staff and visiting families they said we are doing our part to ensure the success in fight against cancer. Another outstanding visit!
The song of the night is Trip Around the Sun by Jimmy Buffett. And it is dedicated to my brother Bill, better known to everyone as Boxer. He is one real bad dude. He and I served in the 75th Ranger Regiment together, we have climbed all sorts of peaks together, and we have even run with the bulls in Pamplona. He has always been there for me when I was struggling in life or when I had a crazy idea (like running to Phoenix). So I could have dedicated all sorts of crazy songs, but today is his birthday and I just wanted to tell him “Happy Birthday and thanks for being my big brother”! Rangers Lead the Way!
That is enough for tonight. Keep sending us your love and comments! Keep spreading the awareness of the Cures Rock! Tour and remind everyone you can still donate.
Tomorrow we do our final run into P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona Expo at the Convention Center. See you out there, and we will be at the Convention Center between 1:00 and 2:00 pm tomorrow!
Good night, Jackson!

The song of the night is Trip Around the Sun by Jimmy Buffett. And it is dedicated to my brother Bill, better known to everyone as Boxer. He is one real bad dude. He and I served in the 75th Ranger Regiment together, we have climbed all sorts of peaks together, and we have even run with the bulls in Pamplona. He has always been there for me when I was struggling in life or when I had a crazy idea (like running to Phoenix). So I could have dedicated all sorts of crazy songs, but today is his birthday and I just wanted to tell him “Happy Birthday and thanks for being my big brother”! Rangers Lead the Way!
That is enough for tonight. Keep sending us your love and comments! Keep spreading the awareness of the Cures Rock! Tour and remind everyone you can still donate.
Tomorrow we do our final run into P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona Expo at the Convention Center. See you out there, and we will be at the Convention Center between 1:00 and 2:00 pm tomorrow!
Good night, Jackson!
Great post, Cures Rock team! You had me laughing. I did the Arizona marathon 2 years ago (1/13/2008) and I am pulling for you. I agree about having good conversations during workouts. Two years ago, one of my training buddies would regale us with tales of dates gone wrong, and always had us in stitches. It makes training fun. Good luck! You all rock! Art from Virginia
ReplyDeleteLove the blog!!! Love the quotes, love the stories but no one ever told you lies!!! :-) Don't listen to the voices!!! See you in AZ!!! Can't wait!!!
ReplyDeleteYou do rock. What a blessing you and your team are. I so hope you raise all the money we need for a cure!! Stay strong!
ReplyDeleteMike YOU ROCK!!!!! I am so proud of you, my friend. I am dying a slow death being in Carlsbad instead of Phoenix this weekend, but hugs await you upon your return. Praying for your successful completion at RNR, and mega donations for the cure. ROCK ON!!!