It's about my first connection with a peer that was also going through AML leukemia treatment years ago. Turns out her husband works where I work (and worked for Mike, the runner that ran on my behalf when I was first diagnosed). We don't live in different states like the article mentioned...in fact, I work in the city she lives in. But the rest of the story is right on...after all these years, we still missed each other at the race!!
Cori is a pretty amazing person, and it was a huge help to be able to virtually chat with someone about the fight we were going through. Cori, you rock. Cures Rock!
Click here to read the LLS blog post:
Cori P. & my twin, Angie -- at the finish line of their half marathon. This is the pic they texted me while I was still out running the full marathon. I was so excited to know they had found each other out there!
Very cool, Julie. Hope you meet her soon, and good for you to do First Connection - it is a great service. One week to the Seattle race! Yee-haw! Art