Best Running Pals EVER!: Lisa & Jen - my TNT running buddies....sticking with me all season and making it to sharing the start of our very first marathon together! (Thanks, chickadees!) Yes, running CAN be a team sport! GO TEAM!
Funniest person seen on the course: Guy holding sign saying, "Sweat is Sexy" & a Guy running in only pink speedos with "I lost the bet" written across his chest.
Biggest inspiration: A woman on the side of the road holding a sign that said, "Thanks for running for TNT. I'm a survivor." Also, I looked at my yellow "LiveStrong" wristband I wore in memory of Carolyn and in that moment knew that I would never stop running and raising funds until we find a cure for cancer.
Break-down moment: Happy tears at Mission Bay. I had just seen my family at 13.5 mile mark, and then suddenly saw this sea of purple shirts running. It hit me that I was in remission and running the race as I had wanted --- I was a survivor. I was completely overwhelmed, and Lisa walked with me a bit until I could re-compose myself.

Lesson Learned #1: I do have a limit as to how many energy gels I can consume in one run. YUCK!
Lesson Learned #2: The TNT Orange County tent in Mission Bay that had the Otter Pops ROCKED! (And next time, I need to grab a few more!)
Lesson Learned #3: I will accept food from strangers when hot, tired and delerious (hello to the happy oranges and ice during the race provided by the houses we ran by)
Life-Changing Moment: Finishing 26.2 miles and crossing the finish line of my first marathon with Lisa!
Happiest Moment: Finding Mike and Joe after the race and knowing the deal was complete! I was in remission & had run my first marathon (Thanks, Mike and Joe!) . Also, seeing Mike's shirt that this year he was running WITH me this year (instead of FOR me). AWESOME.

Surprise after the race: Watching the Channel 10 ABC local news 11pm that night and having the anchomen show my picture, mention my name, my finish time and congratulating me on seeing through to the end of my bet (Yes, I was in the same newscast where they mentioned all the Kenyans that finished -- how awesome is that!!!!!!!)

(Pic: Mike, Julie & Joe...Judy couldn't make the race, but Mike & Joe came. Judy, Mike & Joe were the ones that started this bet one year ago. Thanks, friends!)
Why is a marathon so dang emotional? I tell ya! I just read your blog and start crying. Seriously, I NEED SLEEP. Elea's still racing around the backyard, trying to drink from a cup as she runs (just like the runners did at "Auntie Julie's race"). Greeeaattt. She also spontaneously yells, "Go Team in Training!" You made quite the impression on her. Thank Mike for the medal. It won't be forgotten.