Some healthy behaviors that can prevent cancer?
Join the CURES ROCK! Campaign to kick cancer to the curb!:
1. Join your local LIVESTRONG Army and unite in the fight against cancer! http://www.livestrong.org/site/c.khLXK1PxHmF/b.4688573/k.5651/Local_LIVESTRONG_Army_Leader_Search/apps/kb/cs/contactsearch.asp I am the Co-Leader for the San Diego Army, so if you're in our area and would like to join, go to: http://www.sandiegolivestrongarmy.org/ !!!
2. Donate to support the fight against cancer! I'm running the prestigious Boston Marathon this April on TeamLIVESTRONG to raise funds for the Lance Armstrong Foundation (www.livestrong.org). To donte, please go to my fundraising web site at: http://www.livestrong.org/grassroots2009/juliewboston09
Make today a good one & help encourage your local policy-makers and UICC member organizations to make cancer a global priority! CURES ROCK!
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