Hi Super Stars ~
The email for our Team LIVESTRONG for the Boston Marathon came out while I was on vacation...but it featured a note from someone you know -- ME!! lol. I wanted to share it with all of you. (See below after my blog note). :)
I am fundraising for the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) and running THE Boston Marathon (in 3 weeks!!). Last year, I ran it just days after treatment...and this year, I'm running it cancer-free. I couldn't have done it without all of you, so this year, I've decided to AUCTION OFF EACH MILE OF THE RACE to raise funds and run for all of YOU!
***** That's right....each mile of my race is up for grabs, and I'll wear a ribbon in honor of/memory of someone you know that's battled cancer....or I'll wear it in honor of YOU for being stars in my life and supporting the fight against it! *****
For a $100 donation to the Lance Armstrong Foundation, via this link you can pick the mile you want to sponsor (assuming someone else didn't take it, so act fast with your donation & request!!!). I'll post a map on my blog with notes on that mile, so you can all understand how special each step is during the race!!
The last ".2" of my 26.2 mile journey will be just for me --- however, if you really want to sponsor those last steps and get a phone call after the finish line, it just *might* go to the highest bidder... ;)
I really appreciate all of your support! My commitment to LAF is to raise $2600 AND to run the race on Monday, April 19th!! (And yes, I've put my $ where my mouth is and also donated $100 to LAF!)
Please see the email below (and video shout-out from Lance to me from the 2009 Tour de France)...
Dear Team LIVESTRONG Boston Marathon teammate,
This week I wanted to share with you the story one of your own teammates and three-time survivor, Julie Westcott. I had the pleasure of meeting Julie at last year’s Boston marathon and have gotten to know her over the past year. Besides considering her to be one of our star fundraisers, I am lucky to call her a friend. Here is Julie’s story in her own words:
I would love to say that I got involved with LIVESTRONG—but I have to say that LIVESTRONG got involved with me when I really needed them!
I was diagnosed with leukemia in 2006. I was 31 years old at the time. Since then, I've battled cancer a total of 3 times—and I have to say, "it's three strikes and you're outta here, cancer!" Each and every time, LIVESTRONG was there to offer a shoulder of support with incredible services during both my battle and survivorship.
While I feel there's no feasible way to ever "pay back" the immense support and encouragement I received, I found one incredible way to participate, and that was as a member of Team LIVESTRONG.
When my cancer came back last year, I felt defeated, but my two favorite Team LIVESTRONG staffers, Colleen Wilson and Sarah Appolito, challenged me to keep pushing through—and I joined Team LIVESTRONG for the Boston Marathon!
Why am I back on Team LIVESTRONG again this year? During the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong left a video message dedication where he said that although I was temporarily sidelined with cancer, I'd eventually be back to running marathons again soon. That day, I swore I'd fight my cancer with every fiber of my being and do an encore the following year. Well, I'm now cancer free, and a member of the Team LIVESTRONG Boston 2010 team!! (Thanks, Lance!)
I believe in the Mission of LIVESTRONG. I know first-hand that they change lives through every dollar donated in the fight against cancer. I won't stop running until there's a cure...and when my feet get tired, I'll run with my heart!
Pic: Boston Globe: 2009 Boston Marathon coverage, 4/20/09
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