Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Running Injury -- Grrr...

My dog Kalli got her stiches out last night. She went to the groomer so she's back to being a puff-ball and looking "purty" again.

I had another appointment with Dr. Rob today at Elite Chiropratic Care in Encinitas (that clinic rocks!). So, this whole knee issue is a Iliotibial Band issue (a.k.a. IT band) -- a common issue for runners. ( ) So, my thigh/bootie is the culprit, but my poor knee takes all the blame. AND -- the worst part is --- I was told that my 18-miler planned for this weekend is OUT. I can still run, but for only 30 mins with the team ...and only if my knee stopped hurting. So, Dustin (my trainer) and I need to start some major cross-training to keep me in top cardio shape...and he promised he'd torture me even if I can't run too far. Don't worry folks! I will still be running the just means I need a mini-break to let this heal for a bit, and then I'll be back on my long runs again. Luckily, it's still the end of April so there's plenty of time to get to work for the big race day.

The exciting news is that compared to where I was last year with being sick, it's still the icing on the cake to be worrying about things like running, etc. This is a simple little worry in light of the grand scheme of things. So, I shall rest up, cheer my teammates on for Saturday, and keep on training for that marathon! Wahoo!!!


  1. i wish i could have a booty like this after running! booo for IT band issues. :( :(

  2. Bummer!!! And I'm sure you'll still find other ways to 'torture yourself' as you said. LOVE YOU LOTS and praying your knee/IT band/whatever hurts gets feeling better soon!! Love, Ang

  3. read your comment, Jen. What are you talking?! We can now run long distance. We will have booties like that (someday). :)


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