The "friends and family" day was impeccably arranged...the day flew by so fast! The agenda was packed: speed drills, man overboard drill, search and seizure drill, letting us shoot all the HUGE guns on the ship, re-enlistment ceremonies, DCC/fire drill, etc. I even had a chance to learn how to navigate, chart our location...and got to DRIVE the DESTROYER! (ok, now how cool is that?!) The job these men do is incredibly challenging, and I have the utmost respect for what they sacrifice to protect our country. Seriously, thank you to Tim & his wife, Theresa, for their invite and wonderful hosting!!!

I met other cancer survivors on the ship, and it reminded me of my own battles I've fought...and the battles so many others fight.

USS John Paul Jones DDG-53 Official Naval Site: http://www.john-paul-jones.navy.mil/default.aspx
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Paul_Jones
Ahoy, Matey! Those are some great pics!