1. Eat right. Add anti-cancer foods to your diets (yup, the broccoli and cauliflower you love so much...ha ha). And, as much as it pains me to write this being the self-confessed steak-lover that I am, cut back on red meat! The LIVESTRONG web site has awesome nutrition information and forums...at least check it out by going to: http://www.livestrong.com/
2. Stop smoking...or never start. I don't think I even have to begin to explain how much this will help your running and reduce your health risk. Take the LIVESTRONG "Dare to" Quit Smoking: http://www.livestrong.com/dare/142-quit-smoking/
3. Reduce your stress. There is a 100% chance that living will kill you (I know, a shocking statistic), so live each day to the best of your ability. Learn to let go of the "outcomes." Take a chill pill. MEDITATE. EXERCISE. The summer season of "Team in Training" is starting up soon. Join a local team, raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and get some of the best coaching around in exchange. It doesn't matter if you haven't walked 1 mile in your life; there are walk, run, hike and bike teams for every level. For more info, go to: http://www.teamintraining.org/
4. Know your family medical history. If you don't know it, resolve to learn about it, ask questions and pass on what you learn to your family. Early detection can save your life or the life of a loved one.
5. Get examined. I understand that ya'll hate doctor visits and probably drag your feet on this one. You think that "you" won't get cancer because you're too fill-in-the-blank (young/old/smart/healthy/tough). It happens to "other people." Yeah...uh...I thought the same thing to, and that didn't quite work out according to my plan when I heard the words, "You have cancer" in 2006. Have a mammogram, a prostrate exam, get a colonoscopy, have your skin examined. I'm guessing you probably just cringed at all those words, but stop being a big baby and be a warrior! I can tell you this --- what you don't know CAN hurt you.
6. Join an advocacy group. Nobody should fight alone. Join your local LIVESTRONG Army. For more info, go to the San Diego LIVESTRONG Army web site by clicking here.
7. Let your voice be heard. Write to congress. Write to the new president. DEMAND that they make cancer a national priority. IT DOES MATTER. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. The L&L Society's "Toolbox for Advocates" is a great resource.
8. Laugh every day. A recent study published by Harvard Medical School and UCSD showed that HAPPINESS IS CONTAGIOUS. Social networks affect mood --- Happiness is a good virus, and your happiness affects the mood of someone you've never met. Now, go read this news story, and let your beautiful smile, laughter and spirit SHINE ON in '09!
9. Give back. There is nothing better than the feeling of giving back. There are some great organizations doing great work to fight cancer and support patients and their families. Many of you are already heroes because of your involvement with TNT. Have your family and friends check out these organizations, and volunteer or donate while they are there:
The Lance Armstrong Foundation: www.livestrong.org
The Lance Armstrong Foundation: www.livestrong.org
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society: www.lls.org
Stand Up to Cancer: www.su2c.org
These are great! Well done! I commend you! Art