A recent study by Harvard Medical School and UCSD shows that
HAPPINESS IS CONTAGIOUS. (Social networks affect mood.) Which means, happiness is a good virus, and your happiness affects the mood of someone you've never met. Now, go read the story, and let your beautiful smile, happiness and spirit SHINE ON!
Feel like spreading a cheerful spirit through color? Pantone, which provides color standards to design industries, picked "mimosa," a vibrant shade of yellow illustrated by the flowers of some mimosa trees (as well as the brunch-favorite cocktail), as its top shade of the new year. It believes the public will embrace optimistic colors of yellow in 2009. Read all about it in
Yahoo News.
Color yellow is a great way to add a dose of sunny optimism to our nation and to let our spirits shine. Wear yellow to show your support in standing up in the fight against cancer and making cancer a national priority. This holiday season, Give 100%.
You can also sign up for our San Diego LIVESTRONG Army. Our Registration Drive has been extended to December 17th. Register at: http://my.livestrong.org/joinlocalarmy (Note: Select the "SAN DIEGO" Army in the drop-down list.) Read more in my November 30th blog post.
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