Cake is rich in carbs
Yummy birthday glycogen
For those hungry miles
Wow. Another birthday is here!!! I spent the day seeing Dr. Rob about my darn gimpy knee, buying new running shoes and going to work. Exciting, I know. I can tell I'm into this running stuff when I get excited over a new pair of shoes. Thomas was a gem and took me for some Mexican food grub tonight. Yummy! And, one of the best parts of the day was getting all the phone calls from friends and family. I am so thankful for all of you in my life and appreciate all the "happy birthday" serenades I received today (Chris...your voicemail and singing "talent" took the cake!).

Happy Birthday to me (& Ang)!!! Let the festivities begin! (uh...yeah...don't even ask how I'm going to do all the festivities this week and still run 18 miles on Saturday with a gimpy knee...of which, the Dr. today told me to stop running for a few days....).
Pictured: The Tyson sisters as kids. Angie (L), Jenny (Middle), Julie (R)
hello?!? birthday??? you failed to mention this ...