I have been selected as a delegate for the Lance Armstrong Foundation's 2008 LIVESTRONG Summit!! It's strange to think that during the last summit in 2006, I was cruising along enjoying my summer, not realizing that that the "C"-word would suddenly become a reality in my life, making me a future delegate for the second Summit being held this July.

The 2008 Summit will bring together delegates from across the country to be inspired, empowered and trained to lead community-centered efforts to help make cancer a national priority. So, since I was chosen, I'll be heading to Columbus, Ohio for the 4 day event and will be prepared for some serious brainstorming work for those days. And, ya'll know me...I am not afraid to speak my mind. I'm thrilled with the folks that'll be there --- hundreds of delegates devoted to changing the face of cancer suvivorship and uniting together to create change! How cool is that?!
Considering cancer is the #1 killer of young adults (16-39 yr olds), I'm hoping we change those stats for good. The summit track I will be working/training on is
"Grassroots & Fundraising", which means I'll be helping brainstorm new ways to raise money for cancer research and bring the non-profits into the next century for fundraising (I mean, seriously...do ya'll really respond well to a random postcard in the mail that asks for money? Well, that is, besides my cute Team in Training letters from me? It's time to get creative!) I'll also be keeping an eye on the "Advocacy" track on advocating change at the local, state and national level -- but if ya'll haven't figured it out, I'm already pretty vocal, so this is my "back-up" track for training. LOL.
I know ya'll are asking --uuuhhhh--- wasn't she helping the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society? And the answer is YES! (And I still am very actively engaged with them as an Honored Teammate for the Nike Walk Team right now & in their advocacy programs!) This summit seeks to bring invidivuals from
all cancer backgrounds and organizations to
unite (we all know there is power in numbers). :) There will be a Presidential Forum on Cancer one of the evenings with the Presumptive Presidential nominees in attendance. I know McCain is confirmed, and I think Obama might be there, too. (Cancer is bi-partisan, you know.) Oh, and yes, I'm trying to connect with other Team in Training Alums and Leukemia survivors while I'm there, too. In fact, we've formed a running group already to train while we're there (uh...hello? It's a Lance Armstrong conference...the bikers and runners are out in force. There will be a lot of yellow-shirted people at Ohio State Univ that weekend).

I know you all think ---
"we just love the old Julie that would only talk about work all day long (ha ha) and now all she talks about is running, Team in Training and Young Adult cancer stuff." Yup. That's true. And, I've decided that as long as there needs to be better therapies to increase survivorship/quality of life and cures for cancer, I'll keep running, keep calling the politicians and keep fighting for some attention on this issue.
You think it won't affect you? Well, you're reading my blog. That means you now know at least one person with cancer. In my personal opinion, that's one person too many (but call me biased). Thanks all for your support! I can't do any of this without you!!!!