Thursday, February 26, 2009
A New War on Cancer?
President Obama: "...launch new effort to conquer a disease that has touched the life of nearly every American by seeking a cure for cancer in our time."
It reminds me of President Kennedy's "man on the moon" address. I was holding my breath (ok, not really, but you get my point) to see the budget laid out today, and big news! President Obama's budget includes $6B for cancer at NIH and & hopefully follow-thru on doubling cancer funds as he promised during the elections!
All, keep advocating for change with your local, state & national legislative representatives! It makes a difference.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Fundraising Duel for Team LIVESTRONG!

I'll run the 26.2 miles at Boston, if you take 2.62 minutes to log online to my donation page and donate to support an AMAZING organization that is helping me so much through my diagnosis, treatments and recovery.
You are all my personal heroes! (I hug heroes.)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Leipheimer three-peats
Leipheimer three-peats
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Our San Diego LIVESTRONG Army will be out there in force to cheer on Lance Armstrong & the Astana Team (& Levi, who's still managed to hang on to the yellow jersey! Levi-strong!). I'll be out with the Lance Armstrong Foundation staff and fellow San Diego LS Army volunteers, working the LIVESTRONG Booth at the Finish Line on Sunday, so please come out and say, "hi." While you're there, take a moment to sign-up and join our grassroots San Diego Army, as we work to UNITE all cancer organizations in our local area in the fight against cancer. For more information on great viewing spots & closed roads, go to or click here for an overview.

Enjoy your day tomorrow! We'll be "twittering" as much as possible to keep you updated, and we'll be uploading snippets of photo and video feeds to Also, you can follow the race at: LIVESTRONG!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Lance's New Set of Wheels
I've been asked a few times what the numbers mean on Lance's bike. Included is a photo of him "twit-pic"-ing the first image. The number 1274 on his bike is the number of days since Lance won his last Tour de France. 27.5 is how many millions of people died of cancer in the world in that exact same time. He's back to race again, but he's also back to promote a global campaign to fight cancer and change the stigma of the disease around the world.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hope Rides Again.

For those of you coming out to the race to support Lance & the global LIVESTRONG campaign on cancer, look for the LIVESTRONG Banner that will be up on the race course (we'd love cancer fighters and survivors to sign it, as it's going global to all the races!). In addition, come visit me and the LAF/LS Army crew at the LIVESTRONG Booth (Finish Line, Lifestyle Expo). If you can't make it, but would like to donate to LAF, please consider donating to Team LIVESTRONG, as we run to raise funds for LAF at the upcoming Boston Marathon this April! LIVESTRONG!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Amgen Tour of California

If you're in the area on Saturday (Pasadena, CA) and Sunday (Escondido, CA), come by to cheer on Lance, as this is his only U.S. race in his global campaign on cancer!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Lance is Back!

Pic #1: North County San Diego TNT Run Teammates cheer on Lance & unite in the fight against cancer! Signs read, "Go Lance, Ride on!" & "Cures Rock!"
Thursday, February 12, 2009
26.2 Miles of Paying-it-Forward

I realize that many of you have already generously supported my fundraising efforts for cancer charities in the last year, and I appreciate it more than you know. I also fully realize that these are challenging times for all of us economically and charitable contributions are harder than ever to come by. But I also know that most all of you share a connection to cancer in some way and have a desire to make a difference in the lives of those that are living with it today or may face it in the future. There is no better organization than the LAF for making real differences in peoples lives while fighting cancer. I know this to be true first hand as a cancer survivor, after hearing the dreaded words, “You have cancer.”

Monday, February 9, 2009
Why Julie is a Special Name

I believe that God has a plan. 28 years ago I took a friend to the San Diego blood bank to donate platelets for a family friend who was sick with Leukemia. I came back 3 hours later to find out that the nurse had problems drawing blood from my friend’s arms. They asked if I would donate platelets in his place. I did and my life changed forever. I became her platelet donor. She was 8 years old when I met her, and she was fighting a double case of Leukemia.

Friday, February 6, 2009
Julie's Running the Boston Marathon on TeamLIVESTRONG!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have the honor of being a member of Team LIVESTRONG, a team of 20 individuals running for the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) at the Boston Marathon this April 20th. I am very grateful for all this particular charity has done to help me live strong during my battles with cancer, and I have committed to raise $2,500 for LAF. I still need $1528.80 to reach my fundraising minimum.
For those of you that follow my Cures Rock! Blog, you know I often encourage people to act now to make a difference when it comes to cancer. This is just one way for you make a difference right now. No amount is too small and every dollar counts toward meeting our goal and making a difference. My granddad was only one of 1,500 Americans that died of cancer in December 14, 2005...and 1,500 people die every single day. Think about that for a second, do the math...that is insane! 1 in 2 American men and 1 in 3 American women will be told they have cancer. This just needs to change and in the meantime, those that are fighting every day to survive need our help.
So, in addition to donating my legs to running the 26.2 miles in Boston in April for the cause, I'm also kicking off this fundraising campaign by going to my wallet. Since the LAF was generous enough to pay for my entry fee for the marathon, I have donated the first $200 to the campaign to get things started....and hope you all also join in this global campaign against cancer.
To donate for an amazing cause and their global campaign on cancer, go to:
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Today is World Cancer Day

Some healthy behaviors that can prevent cancer?
Join the CURES ROCK! Campaign to kick cancer to the curb!:
1. Join your local LIVESTRONG Army and unite in the fight against cancer! I am the Co-Leader for the San Diego Army, so if you're in our area and would like to join, go to: !!!
2. Donate to support the fight against cancer! I'm running the prestigious Boston Marathon this April on TeamLIVESTRONG to raise funds for the Lance Armstrong Foundation ( To donte, please go to my fundraising web site at:
Make today a good one & help encourage your local policy-makers and UICC member organizations to make cancer a global priority! CURES ROCK!
Lance Armstrong's "Tour de France" Dedication to Julie
Stage 2 Dedication: Julie Westcott -- powered by