I admit it. I wasn't sure what to expect of today's REV forum, co-sponsored by Genentech and LIVESTRONG. The theme: Interaction to Action.
As an IT Pharma/Medical Device Consultant, volunteer leader for LIVESTRONG and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, once-upon-a-time biochemist/tox lab rat, and a 3x cancer survivor (etc., etc.) --- this seemed like all my loves and passions rolled up into a one day forum. Wahoo!
It did not disappoint. Cures Rock, and the REV Forum rocked. Big time.
Today was inspiring, thought-provoking and overall, made me want to get up and should a few "Amen!"s (don't worry, I restrainted myself). :) The key topics included 3 main components:
1. Free the Data and Revolutionize Research
2. Voices of Cancer (patient advocates and patient stories)
3. Innovation in Collaboration
Siddhartha Mukherjee |
The list of speakers and panel guests was off the charts inspiring.... see the agenda at the REV Forum web site: http://www.rev-forum.com/. Admittedly, I about fell off my chair to be siting 10 feet away from Pulitzer Prize winner, Siddhartha Mukherjee. If anyone can sit in a room like that filled with such great leaders and their calls to action and then *not* do anything, I'd be shocked.
Sekou Andrews kicked us off with some poetic motivation, and then Andy Palmer, Joe Selby, Amy Abernathy and Robert Cohen provide insight on the revolution of research and data. Dr. Jack West presented on the new interaction between patients and doctors (and the "third person" in the room....the Web/Dr. Google).
Sandwiched right in the middle to make sure nobody forgot what's important in it all, was a panel of "Voices in Cancer" --- Ethan Zohn, Kathy LaTour, Josh Sommer and Lindsay Nohr Bech. True inspirations from cancer survivors that then turned into compellling advocates to give cancer a face, and to solve some critical issues.
Wrapping up the day was the panel on Innovation in Collaboration, with Margaret Foti, Lawrence Shulman, Andrew C. von Eschenback and Doug Ulman. And, the closing keynote: Siddhartha Mukherjee.
You know the day is going to be unique and special when Heidi Adams of LIVESTRONG says, "This ain't your daddy's conference"...and she was right. We all sat at tables and would break into lively discussions between panels about how we can collaborate, be innovative in our ideas...and come up with ways to make that happen.
Our Collaboration Table (#5) |
I found myself sitting at a table with some amazing (and wicked-smart) folks. Ken Ramirez (Gannett Healthcare), Nicole Bell (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society), Bryce Tenbarge (Teva), Erik Pearson (LIVESTRONG volunteer Leader & Mgmt Consultant), Randall Broad (Cancer Survivor & Inspiration) and Raj Thadani (Genentech). They challenged my thinking...and we might have come out with more questions than answers at times...but at least we were talking about ideas and having some good conversation.
Artist Angela Canada Hopkins |
At one of the breaks, I walked over to an artist's exhibit that was set up to the side of the room. It was gorgeous! Emotional. Artist Angela Canada Hopkins was there in person. I'll probably blog a separate post about her amazing artwork, so stay tuned. She has a Fine Arts degree, and during her last year of school, her father was diagnosed with cancer. She dealt with her tragedy by turning to the canvas and tries to capture the beauty of living beings in her abstract art. As she recreates the cancer cells in her art, she tries to breathe back life and healing into the design. Check it out at: www.CanadaHopkins.com
At the end of the day, we all took the time to commit to something we'd personally do to start acting on these discussion. Which was hard to do, as after today, I probably have 20 solid, innovative ideas on how IT can transform things (where's a V.C. around when you need one!...j/k).
It was great day. Huge thanks to Genentech and LIVESTRONG. Big thanks to "Table 5" for putting up with my overly enthusiastic and cheerleading personality today. I'd love to hear from others that attended or who viewed the live-stream. Comment on this blog post, or send me a note!
CURES ROCK! (Cancer does not.)
I'm going to tell you all, exactly what I posted to Facebook tonight.
I. Support. Lance.
Here's what I really said:
When the cancer battle for me got tough, one of the most amazing organizations that supported me was the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I will celebrate my 3 year remission re-birthday on 09/09...largely in part to some amazing organizations like LLS and LAF. Tonight, I let go, and I move on...because there are 28 million people living with cancer counting on us to do so...to join in a continued LIVESTRONG spirit and support an AMAZING foundation started by Lance Armstrong. I support his foundation and his decision to focus on this global fight against cancer. UNITY IS STREGTH. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. (Cures Rock!) The LAF's statement: http://blog.livestrong.org/2012/08/23/statements-by-lance-armstrong-foundation-vice-chairman-jeffery-c-garvey-and-leaders-in-the-cancer-community
I mean every word.
When Lance was at the Tour de France, he stopped to make this TdF video shout-out. It tells me that even thn, he was focused on ensuring he supported the cancer community. I support Lance 100%. I support LAF 100%. They were there every step of the way through my cancer diagnosis, battle and survivorship. This 09/09...it's been 3 years since my remission re-birthday. It's been over 6 years since my first diagnosis. I say we all let go, move on...and focus on fighting the fight for cancer patients around the world.
Join CURES ROCK! and
TeamLIVESTRONG in Austin! |
The CURES ROCK! Run Team is headed to the LIVESTRONG Austin Half/Full Marathon in February 2013! (In celebration of Julie's 3 year remission re-birthday on 09-09...come join the endurance adventure and fundrasiing in the fight against cancer!) To sign up, click here for the Cures Rock Team page.
Please support our team as we make a difference in the battle against cancer through our participation with Team LIVESTRONG. You can support the team by donating to LIVESTRONG and/or you can join our Cures Rock team, hit the pavement with those running shoes, and meet us in Austin!
LIVESTRONG serves people affected by cancer and empowers them to take action against this disease that is now the world's leading cause of death. LIVESTRONG has become a symbol of hope and inspiration to the 28 million people affected by cancer around the world.
LIVESTRONG inspires and empowers people affected by cancer and believes that unity is strength, knowledge is power, and attitude is everything.
Connect with the Cures Rock! Team:
Since the USADA seems so keen on knowing what Lance Armstrong was doing during his races at the Tour de France, I thought I'd show the world:
Lance was actively engaged in the fight against cancer.
(As he has been since he was first diagnosed in 1996.)
I am not trying to make light of this USADA matter, but I also want to ensure the picture stays balanced. During the 2009 Tour de France, Lance was focused on his love of sport and his passion to fight cancer. Who can forget the Nike LIVESTRONG Chalkbot? Lance dedicated stages of that TdF race to cancer fighters around the world, and was kind enough to dedicate one of those stages to me (a.k.a. Cures Rock).
Boston Marathon
(w/ Team LIVESTRONG) |
When I found out about the video, I was curled up on my couch feeling sick from my treatments and frustrated. In about 2 seconds, I was crying and cheering. His support -- and the support of my family, friends, coworkers and blog/twitter followers -- became a push to get through my 3rd cancer battle so I could run more marathons and live my life. And, Lance was right. I am now cancer-free as of 09-09-09 and did head back to run the Boston Marathon in 2010 with Team LIVESTRONG.
San Diego for LIVESTRONG |
I am grateful to Lance as a person. He is an inspiration to me. Separate from that, but equally amazing, is the Lance Armstrong Foundation that has supported me in every step of my cancer fight, treatments and survivorship. It is why I continue to volunteer for that organization as the San Diego Leader for LIVESTRONG. I believe in them and their mission. I implore all my readers not to let the news affect the way you think about the charity that is helping the 28 million people around the world fight cancer.
CURES ROCK! Thanks, Lance! We support you.
(If you'd like to support Lance, there are two petitions you can sign: There are two petitions going around as well. One was started by Mary E. (Click here for story) and one that was started on the US Government's petition page, click here.
Lance's video dedication from the TdF 2009:
The Prop 29 voting is
NOT finalized. The absentee ballots are still being counted in this dead even race in CA...and that gap is closing. You won't want to miss this
4min video from the Rachel Maddow show -- and tell us what you think about the corporate spending that went into this one prop in the past few months. Do you hate cancer? We do.
And, check out
LIVESTRONG's Blog today, too.
CURES ROCK! (Cancer and Big Tobacco do not.)
With less than 12 hours to go until the CA voting polls open...it's time to continue to spread the word: Vote YES on Prop 29.
Help stop children from smoking and help fund cancer research. This is our chance CA to make a difference in the health of our state. Game on, Big Tobacco --- CA cares about the health of our state! Don't forget to get out an vote tomorrow -- YES ON PROP 29 -- CURES ROCK! (Cancer and Big Tobacco do not.)
For the latest, check out the
LiveSTRONG blog summary at this link:
Also, don't forget to follow the Twitter feeds of
Californians for a Cure (@Yeson29) -- and spread the word. We *CAN* make a difference!!!
Check out the latest guest blog on the LIVESTRONG web site! It highlights our upcoming Swing Fore! Yellow Charity Golf Tournament in San Diego on March 26th! Follow this link to the article:
http://blog.livestrong.org/2012/02/16/take-a-swing-at-cancer/As the LIVESTRONG team tweeted today:
" @LIVESTRONG: Our blog never looked so good! @DhaniJones and @Swing4Yellow "Take a Swing at Cancer"
http://t.co/3w3SfAhX #golf "
To sign up to play in the tournament or volunteer, go to our web site at: http://www.swingforeyellow.com/ The playing field is filling up fast, so don't wait!

Today is World Cancer Day --
Take a minute to pause and think about how cancer has affected the friends and family in your life, and how we need to keep creating awareness to fight it.
And, what a better way to start it than by taking a short (5 questions) quiz to bust some myths around cancer?
Take the quiz on the LIVESTRONG web site and share with your family and friends to help spread awareness today.
All Content and Images (unless specified otherwise), Copyright Cures Rock! 2007-2012.