I am finding that my endurance running continually reminds me how fragile life is and how each day may be our last. There is something in overcoming the "wall" runners hit that teaches me how to persevere. I am not running for myself. Now that I no longer have leukemia, I am running for all of those patients that cannot run, to help raise money for a cure. I know folks are always worried about "if" they'll be able to fund-raise, or "if" they'll be able to actually run 26.2 miles. All I can say is that you'll never know unless you put down those potato chips, get off the couch, start running and start asking your friends and family to donate to fight blood cancers. "Team in Training" has made endurance running a team sport of sorts, and they'll help you every step of the way. If I can finish chemo and train with them to run a marathon...anyone can! What are you waiting for?!
Please consider donating to support my fundraising efforts to stamp out blood cancers (and all cancers) for good! We raised over $10,000 last season, and I'm still raising money! Click here to donate. Also, if you'd like to join Team in Training, click here for more info.
hopefully i'll be able to run the sd rock and roll with you in june!