Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One Word: Prevention

Tanning beds now join the top cancer-causing risk category, keeping company with asbestos, arsenic and cigarettes as a known carcinogen. One word: PREVENTION.

I drew the short straw of genetics when it came to my cancer. If there had been a known cause (there isn't), I would have done everything in my power to prevent it. So, I have to ask -- if you wouldn't work in a building with asbestos or smoke cigarettes -- you have to ask yourself why are you still tanning when you know it is a high-risk for causing cancer?

1 in 2 men, and 1 in 3 women will have cancer in their lifetime. Think of how much better those statistics could be if we all worked to prevent it through our actions. 30% of cancers are preventable. Are you doing your part?

Click here to read the latest news on this topic.

Cures Rock! (Cancer does not.)


  1. So glad you mentioned tanning beds -- I am always baffled when I see girls, especially young ones, tanning. It's funny how many people don't believe me when I mention that it can up the chances for cancer. There's a reason I call tanning salons "cancer stores"!

  2. Very well said. Anyone who has had cancer would gladly do whatever to avoid the experience a second (or third, or fourth) time.


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Lance Armstrong's "Tour de France" Dedication to Julie

A great reminder that I had armies of support beside me in my fight. (Thanks, Lance!) Even with the recent media, this video isn't about the bike...but the fight against cancer. LIVESTRONG!

Stage 2 Dedication: Julie Westcott -- powered by http://www.livestrong.com

Guinness World Record Broken to Fight Cancer

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500 Miles. 17 days. 2 States. 1 Mission to Cure Cancer.

500 Miles. 17 days. 2 States. 1 Mission to Cure Cancer.
January 1 - 17, 2010
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