ROCK [rok] noun, verb: to affect deeply; stun; move or sway powerfully, as with excitement or emotion.
This is one of our final reminders that this Cures Rock! Facebook Group will be closing down soon because we have a NEW Cures Rock! FAN page! Wahoo!
So...switch over to our new Facebook Fan page by going here (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cures-Rock/119107843868?ref=ts) and clicking "become a fan." This will allow you to upload your photos of "Cures Rock!" hitting the streets, comment, etc.
PLUS, we're announcing exciting news tomorrow about our next big adventure (!!!) Here are the hints as they've been handed out today on Facebook & Twitter. Feel free to comment on your best guesses for the adventure activities!
$100K. 500 Miles. 17 Days. 2 States.
(Announcement coming tomorrow!)
Sounds amazing whatever it is. Can't wait to learn.