Thank you to all Veterans, Active Duty and Reserve men and women that stand and fight in honor for our country. We are grateful, and we thank you. (I encourage everyone to take the time today to thank those that stand in harm's way for our country.)
I would also like to thank the military members of our Cures Rock! Tour Team today. Thank you for your service in the past, present and future. These gentlemen continue to serve our communities in inspiring ways outside of their military service, too. In our case, we are fortunate to have them involved in the upcoming Cures Rock! Tour to raise funds and awareness about blood cancers. Mike Sheehy (the ultramarathoner running the 500mi course between San Diego and Phoenix), along with his brothers (who are members of the Relay Support Team), have all served our country. You can read their Bios on the "Our Team" page of our web site.
As humble and humorous as these guys may be when it comes to their rock star ways, the entire Cures Rock! Team would still like to say, "THANK YOU."
Amen! thanks due, indeed!