Sunday, June 24, 2012

Join CURES ROCK! & Team LIVESTRONG in Austin!

Join CURES ROCK! and
TeamLIVESTRONG in Austin!
The CURES ROCK! Run Team is headed to the LIVESTRONG Austin Half/Full Marathon in February 2013! (In celebration of Julie's 3 year remission re-birthday on 09-09...come join the endurance adventure and fundrasiing in the fight against cancer!) To sign up, click here for the Cures Rock Team page.

Please support our team as we make a difference in the battle against cancer through our participation with Team LIVESTRONG. You can support the team by donating to LIVESTRONG and/or you can join our Cures Rock team, hit the pavement with those running shoes, and meet us in Austin!

LIVESTRONG serves people affected by cancer and empowers them to take action against this disease that is now the world's leading cause of death. LIVESTRONG has become a symbol of hope and inspiration to the 28 million people affected by cancer around the world.

LIVESTRONG inspires and empowers people affected by cancer and believes that unity is strength, knowledge is power, and attitude is everything.
Connect with the Cures Rock! Team:

1 comment:

  1. GO Julie!!! You are like the most amazing person EVER!!! You inspire me so much. I hope someday I will be able to do a marathon. Although I couldn't even run well before caner so we will see. But I guess it is good to have a goal. Its a treasure knowing you miss Julie. Thanks for your work and dedication.


Please leave your comments!

Lance Armstrong's "Tour de France" Dedication to Julie

A great reminder that I had armies of support beside me in my fight. (Thanks, Lance!) Even with the recent media, this video isn't about the bike...but the fight against cancer. LIVESTRONG!

Stage 2 Dedication: Julie Westcott -- powered by

Guinness World Record Broken to Fight Cancer

We *Heart* Our Fans

Cures Rock! on Facebook

Donate & fight to kick cancer to the curb!

500 Miles. 17 days. 2 States. 1 Mission to Cure Cancer.

500 Miles. 17 days. 2 States. 1 Mission to Cure Cancer.
January 1 - 17, 2010
All Content and Images (unless specified otherwise), Copyright Cures Rock! 2007-2012.