There is too much negative news out there these days, so it was very exciting to see that the Orange County Register reported our "Wonder Twins" story about our teamwork to fight for a cure! There are so many incredible stories for why people are running for LLS, and I'm thankful that the O.C. Register let us tell a little of our own personal story. The story was posted this weekend and will also run in the print newspaper this week. To read the article online, go to: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/julie-marathon-cancer-2425331-angie-training

To learn about how you can also help save lives one mile at a time, go to the Team in Training web site at: http://www.teamintraining.org/ OR http://www.livestrongchallenge.org/
CURES ROCK! (Cancer does not.) Join with us, and help kick cancer to the curb!
Pic #1: Twins, Angie and Julie, showing off a "Cures Rock Star!" award from Team in Training for raising at least $1000 over their minimum fundraising requirement. Julie worked with LLS San Diego Chapter to create the program, which has raised thousands of dollars in additional fundraising. Julie received the LLS Volunteer Recognition Award for her efforts.
Pic #2: Julie and Angie at the top of the infamous "Heartbreak Hill" near Boston College at the 2009 Boston Marathon. Angie cheered from the sidelines, but donned her running shoes to run her twin up the hill around the 21 mile marker.
Pic #3: Julie and Angie at the Boston Marathon finish line.
Pic #4: Angie and Julie painted the back of their Team in Training shirts to reflect their "Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!" theme and belief that teamwork is key to finding a cure to cancer.
Go Wonder Twins! What great memories to share as sisters and as twins! Art