I owe a HUGE thank you to all of my supporters, as we hit my fundraising goal for the Boston Marathon, and raised $3,000 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation! THANK YOU!!! I am very aware how tough the economy is right now, and I know that many of your donations came from your heart and were a stretch of your finances in order to help others in need. You are my personal heroes (I hug heroes.). For those that have not yet donated but interested, I am still fundraising and working towards my Cures Rock! Campaign goal of $10,000 this season for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! To donate, please click here or copy/paste this link into your Internet browser: http://pages.teamintraining.org/sd/rnr09/CuresRock .
My sister just added a donation of $520 to my fundraising, which is the latest proceeds from the "Bracelets 4 Cures" --- gorgeous, handmade "Cures Rock!" cancer awareness bracelets, designed for this campaign. 100% of the proceeds go to LLS. Click here for more info and pictures!

CURES ROCK! (Cancer does not.) Join our campaign to kick cancer to the curb!
Pic #1: Julie sitting in front of the chalked "Welcome to Boston" notes left for her at the end of her 18 mile run
Pic #2: Bracelets 4 Cures
Congrats on hitting your Boston fundraising goal -- that is truly amazing!!